2012年5月23日 星期三



2012-05-23: We are nearly finished with Tasks For Cash and hope to have it released the first week in June. We apologize for the extended delay in bringing this to you.

2012-05-23: We've lowered the price for Basic PTC Ads, Click Advertising to Learn More. We're also working on some new features for Clicks For Cash in the coming weeks and after listening to user feedback have brought it back for everyone.

Deposits are non refundable. If you dispute any payment to us your account will be terminated and earnings deleted immediately You will receive only the amount you've deposited back if you have not earned that much in commissions.

2012-05-22: Again, we want to remind members. We will NEVER email you asking you for your password AND ALWAYS be sure when you are logging into the members area you are on https://members.mybrowsercash.com. If you are NOT using https and are on a public network it is very easy for someone to steal account information, not only from your MBC account but any other non secure connection.   Also, do NOT download any version of MyBrowserCash outside from the members area. We have had reports of people who have downloaded "Bots" and Hacks to cheat the system (or just a link to MBC outside of our site) and many of these are filled with Keyloggers (recording everything you type) and other viruses that can compromise your computers security.
2012-05-22 再一次提醒!! 我們將不會透過E-Mail的方式詢問您的密碼,也請每次都從https://members.mybrowsercash.com/ 登入,並且不要在MBC網站以外的地方下載廣告軟體。

2012-05-17: If you are using IE and the members area is displaying incorrectly, please press F12 then click "Document Mode" and select Internet Explorer 9.
2012-05-17 如果你是以IE開啟MBC,後台是無法顯示正確的!! 麻煩按下F12,點選"文件模式",並挑選Internet Explorer 9.
※以Firefox(火狐)和Google chrome打開是正常的喔!!!

2012-05-14: We are happy to announce Paypal is back up for withdrawals. We have some final configurations to finish before it is available once again for deposits. Going forward there will be a sitewide deposit limit per month through Paypal. Also, We ask if you have a withdrawal request through Alertpay (due to the paypal issue) to please cancel and resubmit through Paypal(please only do this if you submitted withdrawal requests to Alertpay because of the Paypal Issue). This will help us catch up on withdrawal requests much faster. We apologize for the extended delay in getting Paypal back up.

2012-05-10: We wanted to remind people again, it is NOT ok to share an internet connection with your REFERRALS. 99% of the time it is the same person dipping on purchase commissions. This might not seem like a big deal but it gets compounded when people do this, take those funds, purchase rentals, advertising etc. It leaves a mess to cleanup and figure out funds. This has been in the TOS since day one and we have reminded people about it on the important system message. We no longer have ANY tolerance for this and your account WILL be banned if you are practicing this.
我們要在提醒所有人,跟你的下線使用同一個網路連接是不行的,99%的情形都是同一個人想賺自己當下線的獎勵。這看起來似乎不適很嚴重的問題但會變複雜化。因為這些錢可能會被抽離系統,租賃下線或分紅廣告等。自從你加入MBC第一天我們已經提醒妳我們的油規則並且標示為重要須知。我們不想再做任何提醒。你的帳戶會被踢掉,如果你試著繼續那麼幹下去的話...         (Jones Yu之神翻)

2012-05-05: The Beta Messaging System is now live. Gold and Silver members can contact their Downlines and Sponsor directly from the messaging center, Free members can contact their sponsor through the system. We are working on adding more options to the messaging system as well. Please see the "Messaging" link on the top menu.
測試版即時通訊系統現在可以使用!金卡和銀卡會員可以聯繫自己的下線,並直接從訊息中心贊助,免費會員可以通過該系統聯繫的贊助商。我們正在對即時通訊系統,以及加入更多的選擇。⋯⋯ 請找到首頁上方"Messaging"進入!

2012-5/2        喜訊!! RR 租賃恢復正常了! 黃金會員可以兩天買一次了
RR租賃最高上限:黃金(Gold) 600RR;銀級(Silver) 300RR;免費(Free) 20RR

現在金級會員改成滿600股就封頂了,但是會出現這行提醒 You Have Reached The Maximum Number Of Active Rented Referrals For Your Level. Please Upgrade To Purchase More Rented Referrals. 其中的最後一句 "Please Upgrade To Purchase More Rented Referrals" -請升級才能再買更多RR! 不知是否又要改制度了?!

2012-04-23: When rentals become available at Noon (12:00 server time) tomorrow, Silver and Gold Members will be able to rent them from 12:00-14:00 Server Time, After that time anyone will be able to if there are still rentals available. 
         下一波購買時間是明天中午12:00,銀級和黃金會員在12:00-14:00(約是台灣時間4/25 0:00-02:00)可以先買,之後RR還有,其他人仍然可以買。

2012-04-22: Some users are reporting blocks showing being paid less than .075. We have confirmed no blocks have actually paid less than .075 (in the database that updates your account balance we have confirmed they are not paying less so if you were to check your account balance it would show correctly). However on the page which shows your block ID's they may appear incorrectly, we are working on fixing this and apologize for any confusion. 

       目前MBC系統,每一Rented Referrals(簡稱 RR)區塊少於0.75美元當日是不會進行分紅。

